Pictured: Nova and Dalton Floyd Originally Published in the June 2009 issue of Zest! – Georgetown County’s Premier Publication for the Young and Active After 50 – by Bill Farley, Night Writer Services He may not have gone barefoot, smoked corn silk and fished with a bamboo pole, a piece of string and a bent...Read More
Traveling to San Diego next week as the South Carolina delegate to the International Animal Law Summit, our own Bradley Floyd has been invited as the legal delegate from South Carolina. This is the first year that South Carolina will be represented at this important and informational international summit.Read More
The Floyd Law Firm PC is proud to announce our brand new website! Please take a moment to learn more about us and our team of experienced Attorneys. Feel free to browse through our many legal Practice Areas that contain helpful information about how we can help you. We understand how important it is for...Read More
Nova was the gentlest of creatures. Nova came to join the Floyd family by way of son, Bradley, when she was just a puppy. A compassionate animal lover, Bradley had visited her family in rural South Carolina and instantly fell in love with one particular four-legged ball of fur. She was the smallest of the...Read More
COASTAL OBSERVER Thursday, April 18, 2019 By Chris Sokoloski for the Coastal Observer Transitioning from prison back into society isn’t always an easy task, but the county is home to a program to help with it. The Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office re-entry program started 12 years ago and none of the more than 300 men...Read More